KFCS跑步 銀牌教練
- 每次訓練後紀錄訓練日誌。
- 如果在訓練過程中遇到任何不合理的不適或疼痛,會主動告知教練。
- 每週固定保留一天陪伴家人。(因為沒有家庭的支持,訓練無法長久)
- 不多練、不補練、不超速。
- 女性跑者如有生理期的不適,請好好休息(休息一週並不會影響訓練效果)。
- 訓練期間聽從教練的課表訓練,不做額外訓練或比賽以免受傷。
If you're interested in my online coaching service, please follow the rules:
- Record training log, because your feeling is vital.
- Please let me know if any pain or discomfort occurred during the training.
- Happy wife, happy life. Please keep one day off during the week to be with your family.
- To female runners, if you feel uncomfortable during the menstrual, please take a rest. A rest week won't interrupt our training.
- Stick to the training plan.
- Don't do more training than the plan.
- Don't run faster than the plan.
- Don't make up past training.
- All your race is discussed with the coach, no additional race to avoid get hurt.